Block breaker deluxe 2- the "not as good as it should have been" game ~ Mobile Gaming Expert

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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Block breaker deluxe 2- the "not as good as it should have been" game



A few weeks ago Gameloft pulled out the sequel of their best selling game Block breaker deluxe. I wanted to say many things about this game. I wanted to show you what this game could have been, to give you an inside look and a detailed description why exactly BBD2 is so great of a letdown for me. Sadly I can't, because two and a half years ago  I've signed a confidentiality agreement that simply doesn't allow me to. So I won't tell you what this game could have been... I'll tell you what is wrong with it now, without comparing it with anything and sadly- without giving you any of the crispy chunks of inside info... Now on the review:

If you look at other game sites you'll see very positive reviews everywhere. What you won't read is that the game has several major problems gameplay-wise.

I've tried to look at it from different angles but I see only one thing- the game was constructed not from the gameplay point of view but for eye candy and graphics. I know that graphics sell nowadays but I just don't like the result- the game looks great but doesn't play as well as you'd expect.

The main problem is the obvious desire of the team to show as much eye candy as possible in a short amount of time. They don't take the time to teach you about different bonuses, and common good(or very bad) combinations of them -they just throw them at you.

The use of the different type of bricks is an overkill too.They show you pretty much everything from the start, eliminating the interest build up and it seems that every level is moving and has another  one hidden under, just waiting for you to hit the switch to appear.

Not only that- the constant moving elements are making the game less casual that it should be. Don't get me wrong- it's not hard, but it's not casual. In fact in some levels it is straight forward frustrating due to the not so good level design.

Is the game bad then- not really. Not at all. But it's not as good as it should've been. In the next months you'll see many positive reviews (the marketing team obviously did their job well, contrary to the dev team) and I bet the game will take a prize or two but for me the end result is frustrating and lacking gameplay innovations, created around visuals instead of gameplay.


Graphic and sound 10/10

Gameplay      6/10*

Value for money   6/10*

Novelty          4/10*

Total          6/10*

The bottom line - BBD2 left me unimpressed by a long shot. However I believe the mass user can safely add +2 on all the marked categories

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