Week 3 - N-Gage and stuff ~ Mobile Gaming Expert

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Week 3 - N-Gage and stuff

Third week as a blogger so it's time for my weekly editorial.

Nokia's N-Gage platform is finally up and running (since some time last week) and everyone is trying to convince you it is the next big thing , but is it really that big? No matter what the marketing divisions say N-gage capable phone are not handheld consoles. They are weaker than Nintendo DS and it is by far the weakest handheld console out there, so if you're expecting incredible graphics- think again and think hard... N-gage games look better than normal java games and apps available today, but they are far from PSP quality. I should know- I've seen about half of the available games being created and I've even worked on one of them briefly, although my role was not really crucial for the development and you won't see me in the credit section. Anyway what I was trying to say is I've seen  N-Gage games, I've played them and I've even made 'em and in my opinion they're not something that great at the moment- the title selection is limited and the phones running the platform  cost way too much to be worth it.  I'd take a cheapo phone and a PSP over them any day. Then again if you're going to get a N-series phone anyway, or you were a fan of the original N-Gage phone you'll probably be ecstatic...

Now that being said it's time to give you the list of games (and apps.) I'll review for you this week:

Blades and magic- the game left over from the last week plan.

Warriors of Fate - arcade classic brought back to life on your mobile.

Jimm- the one java app you should have.

...and that's the plan boys and girls. I might add another quick review or editorial if something  really thrilling suddenly happens on a mobile gaming scene but other than that I will stick to the plan above

Have a nice week

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